Major Deal

Major Deal (2016-09-15)

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  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 75m
  • Popularity: 0.581
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $0
  • Revenue: $0
  • Vote Average: 4
  • Vote Count: 2

  • Dan_Tebasco

    **_Major deal, minor impact_** Doesn't really feel like a movie more than it does a collection of youtube sketches, I mean it does technically have a somewhat coherent plot line (the little plot it has) but everything from the acting to the look of it is more in the lines of a youtube sketches than anything cinematic. If Massacre Mike was a real rapper I would say it was more or less a promotion film for him to boost his career, but he's not from what I've understood and merely a jokester but I'm sure if the soundtrack got enough hits that could change. And in this time of age with the Lil Yachti's and Uzi Verts making it happen in today's landscape of rap-music I definitely see it as a possibility. The characters are one-dimensional, the women as they are written in the film are only good for sex, and the men are only interested in sex but to get the women's interest of sex they have to be successful and this is the main reason why Massacre Mike is rapping in the first place. That said Kearaun Harris makes it just about entertaining enough to not get bored and there are some amusing scenes it for sure. If you like these sort of lowgrade little to no budget underground hood comedies like BUDZ HOUSE (2011) or WHITE T (2013), just don't expect it to be another Friday (1995) or anything (or even LOTTERY TICKET (2010) for that matter). The fact that it's so short I think helps though if I'm gonna be honest, clocking in at just about 1 hour.