Pool Party Massacre

Pool Party Massacre (2017-04-20)

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  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 81m
  • Popularity: 2.422
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $0
  • Revenue: $0
  • Vote Average: 5.029
  • Vote Count: 34

  • Wuchak

    ***A silent killer crashes a pool party in Las Vegas*** In swanky suburban Las Vegas, a group of girls have a pool party and a couple of dudes show up. Unfortunately a mysterious slayer, who uses various yard tools to do his gruesome work, puts the kibosh on the proceedings. “Pool Party Massacre” (2017) is a micro-budget Indie that only cost around $7000 and it’s amazing that a fairly entertaining slasher can be made for that low amount. To keep the costs down, the writer/director shot it at his impressive abode in the suburbs of Las Vegas. The acting of the no-name actors isn’t bad considering what they got paid, as long as you don’t mind campiness and the fact that their characters are all unlikable, except one. Their lines are delivered in a rat-a-tat-tat manner, as if they were reading from a teleprompter, yet I was impressed with the work that was put into the wordy script even though the characters are disagreeable which, let’s face it, was intentional. Speaking of which, the writer/director satirizes the slasher formula and includes all the main staples. In the female department curvy Alexis Adams as blonde Tiffany is the most attractive, but Margaux Némé as Latino Nancy wins the day in all-around beauty. The movie scores pretty well on this front. While the one-dimensional setting, low-budget vibe and distasteful characters/antics limit the flick and lower my grade, it moves right along and has quality kills/gore if that’s your thang. I was also pleased with the proverbial final girl. The movie runs 1 hour, 21 minutes, and was shot in Las Vegas. GRADE: C- (but compared to other spare change slashers that cost around the same amount, it rates much higher)