Au nom d'Athènes

Au nom d'Athènes (2012-11-24)

Belgesel | Tarih |

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  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 0m
  • Popularity: 0.632
  • Language: fr
  • Budget: $0
  • Revenue: $0
  • Vote Average: 8.5
  • Vote Count: 2

  • WildManFromJersey

    I quite enjoyed this French-German collaboration, about the history of the main defining battles, and strategies, of the Greco-Persian War, that made ancient Greece great, the original creator of Western democracy and civilization (the origin, of the English word "democracy", comes from ancient Greece, and the Greek language, not from Rome, or later European powers). In this excellent production, we see Athenian Greeks, and other Greeks, speaking to each other in Greek, and Persian leaders speaking to each other in Persian. And I loved the graphical techniques depicting the naval battle of Salamis, as well. Plus, the music was excellent Greek and Near Eastern, as well. And, the acting was good, too. I liked everything about this production, depicting great figures of history, such as Xerxes, Darius, Leonidas, Themistocles and Miltiades, in the great battles of Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis. I rate this 2012 European production highly--and I am an American, no less! Ha ha ha ha ha... P.S. I saw this as a 2 part historical documentary tv series, on the Combat War Channel, streaming on my Roku device home screen, in lovely central New Jersey, on the first day of spring, 2023. The first part was titled, "Victory at Marathon", the second part was called, "Divine Salamis", and the overall series was titled: "For Athens". And, all of it was either dubbed, or subtitled, in English--so this American, here, could enjoy it! It was excellent, by the way...