Sequin in a Blue Room

Sequin in a Blue Room (2019-06-14)

Dram | Gerilim |

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  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 80m
  • Popularity: 4.886
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $0
  • Revenue: $0
  • Vote Average: 6
  • Vote Count: 26


    'Sequin in a Blue Room', gets points for telling a queer Australian story and starting a conversation about the often-toxic hook-up culture in the gay community - it just doesn't fully nail the landing. - Chris dos Santos Read Chris' full article...

  • TwiceONCE2016

    SEQUIN IN A BLUE ROOM (2019) is a cold and emotionless film - like the lead character - that rarely captures the interest. The cinematography and score are stronger points but with a lead character like this it's not a world I care to revisit.