Rüzgarlı Vadi

Rüzgarlı Vadi (1984-03-11)

Macera | Animasyon | Fantastik |

  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 117m
  • Popularity: 52.039
  • Language: ja
  • Budget: $1,000,000
  • Revenue: $3,301,446
  • Vote Average: 7.938
  • Vote Count: 3436

  • Crazypiglady

    Non stop violence in a post apocalyptic earth, this is so much more anime than Ghibli. It isn't actually a true Ghibli film but is often marketed as such. It's style is very different to that usually associated with Ghibli. If you're expecting 'My Neighbour Totoro', you'll be disappointed. I like Ghibli films but this falls into an anime spiral of - attack the armies that control the power and release the monster driving army2 into the acid sea who must retaliate by killing more people and raising a demon etc. All very well for that genre but I don't tend to rate those films well. I'm really reviewing this film for Ghibli fans hoping for, "Howl's Moving Castle" so they can find something more appropriate